Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Kingdom of Belgium


  • Uzbekistan’s environmental initiatives are aimed at creating a healthy and sustainable environment in Central Asia

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    Due to the Aral Sea tragedy, the negative consequences of climate change are more acute in Central Asia. The increase in air temperature in our region is twice the world average. The number of extremely hot days is expected to double and the area of glaciers will shrink by a third. In the last 30 years, the rate of warming in Central Asia is higher than the global average, and the average annual temperature has increased by 0.5 degrees. According to forecasts, the temperature is expected to increase by 2.0-5.7 degrees by 2085.

  • Uzbekistan has set a goal to increase the level of youth enrollment in higher education to 50%

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    Numerous scholars and studies have confirmed the connection between the quality of education and the well-being of society. The Nobel Prize winning Gary Becker was one of the first to inquire into the impact of education on economic growth and social development. His research has shown that investing in education can improve productivity and thus economic growth.

Event at the Embassy

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan
Ministry of Investments and Foreign Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Tourism in Uzbekistan