The spirit of renewal of Navruz is in tune with the essence of large-scale reforms being implemented in our country

On March 21, a solemn celebration of Navruz took place in Tashkent. The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev made a speech and congratulated our people on the holiday.
- This year, Navruz is celebrated in the blessed month of Ramadan in harmony with its sacred values, which gives the holiday a special, even deeper meaning. On these blessed days, when our hearts are filled with joy, we once again congratulate the Muslims of the country, the entire Islamic Ummah on the holy month of Ramadan, wishing the fulfillment of good hopes and aspirations, - said Shavkat Mirziyoyev.
The head of state also expressed warm congratulations to compatriots living abroad, keeping love for the Motherland in their hearts.
It was emphasized that Navruz is a great holiday, which throughout the three-thousand-year history of our statehood occupies a special place due to its unique spiritual value. Its unique beauty, humanism and deep philosophy are admired all over the world even in the context of globalization, which testifies to its eternal essence and life-giving power.
The creative spirit inherent in Navruz is consonant with the essence and noble goals of large-scale reforms and rapid transformations carried out in New Uzbekistan. The country is confidently moving towards strengthening the principles of justice, raising the standard of living and income of the population, raising the honor and dignity of a person.
Modern industrial complexes, infrastructure and logistics facilities, new houses and institutions are being built throughout the country - from kindergartens and schools to universities, hospitals, cultural and sports facilities. Cities and villages are becoming more and more comfortable.
Within the framework of the national project "Yashil Makon", a new ecological environment is being formed in the country. The state program "Year of Environmental Protection and "Green Economy" expands the scale of these efforts.
The President also touched upon the topic of youth policy, emphasizing that young people are becoming the leading and creative force of New Uzbekistan. The achievements of gifted, educated and energetic young men and women who contribute to the growth of the country's authority in the international arena were noted.
- My dear sons and daughters, the time has come to realize your potential even more fully for the sake of the prosperity of the Motherland. Work tirelessly, direct all your efforts to turn the enormous opportunities of our country into real, practical results! Always remember that behind you stands a great, almost 38-million people. And I, as President, will do everything to ensure that each of you takes a worthy place in life, - said Shavkat Mirziyoyev.
A special festive atmosphere is felt at public festivities in mahallas. The mahalla system is increasingly influencing the education of youth, ensuring stability, reducing poverty, developing entrepreneurship, social protection, strengthening the role of women, environmental protection and improvement.
Taking this opportunity, the President cordially congratulated all the workers of the mahalla system on their professional holiday – Mahalla Workers Day, which is celebrated on March 22.
Navruz has become a favorite holiday of all nationalities and ethnic groups in our country, a symbol of interethnic unity and harmony. In this regard, the President addressed the entire nation:
– Our strength is in unity and solidarity, our power is in love and devotion to the Motherland, our success is in confidence in our capabilities!
Due to its universal essence, Navruz is recognized as an international holiday by the United Nations. This value unites the peoples of the East, including the countries of Central Asia. In this context, the trilateral meeting of the leaders of Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, which will take place in ancient Khujand at the end of March, will be another practical step towards good-neighborliness and solidarity.
The President congratulated the foreign ambassadors and representatives of international organizations who participated in the celebration on the occasion of Navruz and conveyed warm wishes of friendship to their peoples.
The celebration continued with a big concert, in which, along with Uzbek artists, famous performers from Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Turkey and Tajikistan performed.
The Yangi Uzbekistan Park was transformed for the holiday. The sites were decorated with colorful flowers and flags. The exhibitions of national cultural centers presented an atmosphere of harmony and the rich cultural diversity of the country.
The President familiarized himself with these exhibitions and performances of folklore and ethnographic groups.
The festive festivities continue throughout the country. The farmers sow future prosperity and abundance on the table of our people. Landscaping and charity events are actively carried out in the mahallas.